Secrets In Green Progress Update!

Hey there gamers!  Borealis here with a BRAND NEW GAME!

As you may already know, Secrets In Green is being made for the 2024 Itchio Spooktober Game Jam - a very impromptu decision.  It's proving to be quite a challenge to create a shorter game, that I can get done in such a small time frame.  However, I'm happy to report that progress is going very well.  In fact, here's a breakdown for ya!


  • Story writing: 100% complete!
  • Coding: 80% complete
  • Background art: 98% complete
  • Character art: 33% complete
  • Soundtrack: 57% complete
  • Voice acting: 0 % complete


As you can see, it's mainly the character art, soundtrack and voice acting that needs the most work at the moment.  Oh, and did I mention that we only have 10 DAYS left before submission?!  But never fear - we have ALL of the voice actors secured, the artist is working very hard, and your good pal Borealis here is churning out soundtrack songs like there's no tomorrow.  We got it covered!

There are a lot of things I'd like to tell you about this project, particularly its future beyond the game jam, but I gotta focus on completing the game first.  When the time's right, you know I'll be hittin' ya with the hot tea!  (not physically...  ouch)

See ya soon for another update!


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