One Week Later

Hey gamers!  It's Borealis here.

It's been a week since Venus: Improbable Dream hit the stores, and while I've been enjoying promoting the release, I've been thinking about a lot of things!

Firstly, I'm honestly humbled and happy about the love that's been shown to the game so far.  I've had a couple of lovely reviews, several YouTubers have begun full longplays of the game, and I'm still being interviewed about it - thank you to everyone who continues to support the project!  It's really nice to hear people say that they're enjoying it, and also that they're having emotional experiences.  The main thing I wanted to achieve with Venus: Improbable Dream was to provide a relatable experience that takes you on a cathartic journey, pulls at your heartstrings, and ultimately leaves you feeling emotional in a good way.  There is always hope for everyone, and I want the game to remind you of that.

Secondly, I've been reflecting on the creation process of the game, all the things that went wrong or were difficult, and how the final product has turned out in comparison to what I envisioned at the start.  I'm not going to lie to you all and say that Venus: Improbable Dream is perfect, because it really isn't - it's rough around the edges in certain ways, clearly made by a first timer, and sure, an AAA company could have done many different things with it.  However, I've decided to disregard that fact and focus on what's important - that the game has still come to fruition well despite the tight circumstances from which it came.  Yes, the Kickstarter failed, so I couldn't afford to pay for better resources.  Yes, I've probably made some mistakes along the way, or not been able to execute some elements the way I'd hoped for.  However, that doesn't stop Venus: Improbable Dream from being exactly as it was always meant to be at heart - honest, realistic, unfiltered, humble, homemade, ambitious, and above all - it's real.  It's a real story, made by a real person, for real players who've all experienced darkness in their lives in some form or another, and its message of positivity is real, too.  With that being said, I sincerely hope that everyone who buys the game feels that in full effect, and loves their gaming experience because it's tangible, enjoyable, and moves you to your core.

Lastly, I want to genuinely thank those of you who've supported the game throughout its development.  This humble project is nothing without its audience, and while I'm so excited for new people to discover the game, I'll also never forget those who've stuck around from the start.  Those who donated to the Kickstarter, even though it failed.  Our lovely Music Club members who signed up to the mailing list.  My early Twitter followers and let's players who contributed to spreading the word by showing their own viewers what Venus: Improbable Dream was about.  You're all amazing, and a part of this project will always belong to you!

So what's next?  The game might be out, but that's not the end of the road.  There'll still be updates on both its progress, and any future additions or DLCs, and my eyes and ears will always be open to you - if there's additional Venus: Improbable Dream content that you'd like to see, I wanna hear about it!  I'll also be working on other projects with fellow indie devs that you can check out too.  There's only one thing that I can ask of you guys, if you've bought the game on any platform and enjoyed your experience - tell people.  If Venus: Improbable Dream moved you in any way, then please shout it from the rooftops that this is a game that people will love!  If you haven't bought the game yet and are thinking about it, then please check out the free demo, and buy your own copy of the full game if you genuinely enjoy it.  I'll be incredibly grateful to all of you for your continued support!

For all the updates, follow the game's official Twitter here:

Have a wonderful day, and keep a smile on your face always!


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